Had a chance to get a game of 40k in against Chad this weekend. He s looking for some tips on how to play Eldar so I made a 1500 point list using models that Chad has in his collection. My list consisted of the following:
3 War Walkers (all scatter lasers)
2 squads of Dire avengers 1 w/ wave serpent
5 fire dragons in a Falcon
7 Warp Spiders
7 Harlequins w/ Shadow seer & Troupe master
I think that about covers it. We rolled up annihilation and standard deployment, so it was the most basic game of 40k ever. Basically kill as much as possible and then run like a pansy. In the end I had 5 kill points and he had 1. I have never fielded Eldrad when I lived in CA, but ahve 2 times since being here, and damn, he rocks. I think I may be inclined to run 2 farseers at 1850. Anyway, here are a few pics.

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Location:Gaming saloon, Mesa AZ
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