Monday, December 31, 2012

Tag Heaven - Scarface - Iguana - even more Infinity

Well, I was left to my own devices for another couple hours so I decided to hammer out my actual Scarface.  I made minor conversions to him because I am sick of seeing everything in Infinity look exactly the same.  I do with Corvus would make things a little more "kit" oriented so people could pose their models differently, but beggars can't be chooses and I love the game to much to complain any more than that.  Without further ado...

Iguana - Scarface conversion - More Infinity the Game

So it has been a while since my last post and I can honestly say I have been itching to get more Infinity stuff complete.  Playing with the guys from the O-12 podcast in the Paradiso campaign really got my juices flowing.  I have gotten far enough in the "XP tree" to get the free Merc so of course I chose the Iguana since I am playing QK.  It is the perfect choice since I decided to play with Scarface, a Janzaban link team, and a couple Gulam's.  The Iguana having the firepower AND the EVO repeater made it a no decision.  Anyway, here it is.